SIVAL d'Or: AGCULTURE by AGC presents Geysir® Diffuse


Geysir® Diffuse: an energy and environmental innovation for horticulture

Geysir® Diffuse est le seul verre isolant avec une couche à basse émissivité (low-e) disponible sur le marché horticole. Ce verre novateur permet d’atteindre une valeur Ug exceptionnelle de 3.6 W/(m².K) en simple vitrage, offrant ainsi une isolation thermique remarquable pour une épaisseur de seulement 4 mm. Grâce à sa couche basse émissivité (low-e), qui agit comme un miroir en réfléchissant l’énergie infrarouge à l’intérieur des serres, Geysir® Diffuse réduit considérablement les pertes de chaleur. En plus de ses propriétés isolantes, cette nouvelle version de Geysir® intègre une technologie de diffusion de la lumière, augmentant l’uniformité lumineuse dans la serre et améliorant ainsi la croissance des cultures. De plus, ce verre ...

Geysir® Diffuse: an energy and environmental innovation for horticulture

Geysir® Diffuse is the only insulating glass with a low-emissivity (low-e) coating available on the horticultural market. This innovative glass achieves an exceptional Ug value of 3.6 W/(m².K) in single-glazing, offering remarkable thermal insulation for a thickness of just 4 mm. Thanks to its low-emissivity (low-e) coating, which acts like a mirror by reflecting infrared energy inside greenhouses, Geysir® Diffuse considerably reduces heat loss. In addition to its insulating properties, this new version of Geysir® incorporates light diffusion technology, increasing light uniformity in the greenhouse and thus improving crop growth. What's more, this glass can be easily installed on existing greenhouse structures, a far more affordable alternative to double-glazing, which often requires a complete overhaul of the structure. What's more, Geysir® Diffuse is eligible for C2E incentives, making it even more attractive to growers looking to reduce their energy impact.

Studies carried out by Wageningen University (WUR) have shown that Geysir® Diffuse can reduce greenhouse energy consumption by 20-25%. These results testify to the concrete impact of this product in reducing energy costs and CO2 emissions, a major issue at a time of energy transition and decarbonization objectives for greenhouses on a French and European scale.

As the only glass on the horticultural market to combine light diffusion with such advanced insulating properties, Geysir® Diffuse meets today's expectations in terms of sustainability and energy efficiency. With Geysir® Diffuse, we offer a solution that combines innovation, performance and respect for environmental commitments, positioning our company at the forefront of solutions for sustainable horticulture.

SIVAL edition
SIVAL 2025
Type of intervention
Intervention format
Other intervention format
Vegetables, Horticulture & Nurseries, AMSP (Aromatic & Medicinal Plants)
Key words
Production equipment