SIVAL de Bronze: Cork Supply® presents X100


At Cork Supply, we've always been committed to producing the most consistent corks on the market. That's why, since our creation, we've developed several exclusive innovations aimed at solving the problems associated with TCA alteration.
La technologie X100 est une innovation révolutionnaire, exclusive et brevetée, sans équivalent sur le marché des bouchons de liège aujourd’hui. Nous sommes la première entreprise de bouchons à introduire une technologie capable d’effectuer une inspection individuelle et non destructive, en ce qui concerne la pénétration de l’oxygène à l’échelle industrielle. Grâce à cette technologie innovante, nous pouvons corréler les données capturées à partir d’images électromagnétiques de bouchons naturels avec des catégories de taux de transmission d’oxygène (OTR), ce qui permet ...

At Cork Supply, we've always been committed to producing the most consistent corks on the market. That's why, since our creation, we've developed several exclusive innovations aimed at solving the problems associated with TCA alteration.
X100 technology is a revolutionary, exclusive and patented innovation, unrivalled on the cork stopper market today. We are the first cork company to introduce a technology capable of individual, non-destructive inspection for oxygen penetration on an industrial scale. With this innovative technology, we can correlate data captured from electromagnetic images of natural corks with oxygen transmission rate (OTR) categories, effectively identifying natural corks that are oxygen aberrations. This enables us to identify corks with exceptionally high oxygen transfer rates, which can be up to 10 times higher than the average natural cork, and which can lead to premature aging of the wine. The X100 system eliminates aberrant corks, ensuring that the remaining natural corks deliver consistent performance from bottle to bottle.

With the development of the X100, we realized that we had achieved the unthinkable in terms of consistent performance, and that if we combined it with our innovations in sensory enhancement, we would be able to produce the most consistent natural cork stopper on the market. This natural cork product, the result of three of these exclusive innovations working together, is called Legacy.
Legacy natural cork represents a transformative approach to natural cork stoppers. Three exclusive innovations have been brought together to produce Legacy, all focused on offering individual inspection guarantees, but on different quality parameters: the X100 for physical performance in oxygen management, and the DS100 and DS100+ for sensory neutrality to create the world's most consistent natural cork product.
We believe in innovation that not only transforms the wine and spirits industry, but also redefines possibilities.

SIVAL edition
SIVAL 2025
Type of intervention
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Other intervention format
Key words
Production equipment