Regulating aphids with service plants: a success story, a promising path and pitfalls to avoid!


Les pucerons consituent l’un des principaux ravageurs auxquels sont confrontés les producteurs de légumes. Ils peuvent provoquer d’importantes pertes économiques sur de nombreuses cultures, en gênant la croissance des plantes, en transmettant des virus ou en dégradant la qualité commerciale du produit final. Pour protéger leurs cultures contre les pucerons, les producteurs peuvent utiliser des produits phytosanitaires, des produits de biocontrôle ou mettre en œuvre des techniques de lutte biologique. Cependant, ces solutions ne sont pas toujours satisfaisantes. Afin de pallier les limites de celles-ci et de compléter l’arsenal dont dispose les producteurs, le CTIFL et ses partenaires travaillent depuis plusieurs années sur le développement de solutions alternatives. Une stratégie de lutte biologique par conservation a ainsi été mise au ...

Aphids are one of the main pests faced by vegetable producers. They can cause significant economic losses on many crops, by hindering plant growth, transmitting viruses or degrading the commercial quality of the final product. To protect their crops against aphids, producers can use plant protection products, biocontrol products or implement biological control techniques. However, these solutions are not always satisfactory. In order to overcome their limitations and complete the arsenal available to producers, the CTIFL and its partners have been working for several years on the development of alternative solutions. A biological control strategy by conservation has thus been developed by the CTIFL and makes it possible to very effectively protect vegetable crops under cold shelter (eggplant, zucchini, etc.) against aphids. Its transfer to producers is already possible. Plants whose odors repel aphids have also been identified and tested in zucchini and strawberry crops, with promising results. However, the implementation of aphid protection strategies based on the use of service plants requires increased skills and observation capacities to avoid falling into traps likely to compromise the success of the crop!

SIVAL edition
SIVAL 2025
Type of intervention
Intervention format
Restitution / Study
Economic performance
Vegetable crops
Agroecology, Crop Protection and Biocontrol
Key words
biological control, service plants