Exhibitor services

Recognized quality of welcome and dedicated facilities
By exhibiting at SIVAL you benefit from numerous services designed to facilitate your participation.
As soon as you apply to take part, you'll be assigned a dedicated account manager to build your participation and your exhibition space to meet your expectations and those of your customers.
Our Sales Administration department is available to answer any practical questions you may have about your participation once it has been validated.
2 General Commissariats are open during the set-up of SIVAL and during the Show to answer all your questions. The system is completed by 2 info points dedicated to the Show application, to help you get to grips with the digital prospecting tools at your disposal.
After the show, our exhibitor satisfaction surveys also enable us to improve our system each year, taking into account your feedback and identifying areas for improvement.
The entire SIVAL team is mobilized to provide you with the smoothest and most pleasant exhibitor experience possible, from the moment you apply for admission to the time the show is dismantled.
An exhibitor area for the whole of SIVAL
This area is a service reserved for registered exhibitors. It contains all the documents, practical information and follow-up tools for their participation:
- The practical technical file, the electrical positioning sketch, the sling & hook request, the list of service providers, the memento...
- Various regulations: safety, health protection, interior...
- General conditions of participation
- User guides for the SIVAL Online app...

A dedicated web and mobile application
To enable our exhibitors to increase their visibility and generate contacts before, during and after the show, we provide them with specific services on the SIVAL Online application.
SIVAL ONLINE is above all :
- A prospecting tool that lets you scan visitors' badges with your phone to collect their contact details, take notes and qualify your meetings.
- An interactive map where you'll find exhibitor locations, conference rooms, themed areas, comfort areas, information points...
- An exhibitor directory with a multi-criteria search engine.
- A catalog listing exhibitors' leading equipment, products and services .
- BtoB appointments

Press coverage of your activities on the stand
We suggest that exhibitors wishing to communicate on an event taking place on their stand or on the presentation of a specific product / service during SIVAL, send us their press releases, so that we can relay them in the SIVAL press relations.
Send your press releases :
- Before SIVAL by e-mail to [email protected]
- During SIVAL in printed version to be handed in at the press room in the Grand Palais hall
For further information, please contact our press agency, theVACHE Agency

Room rental
Take advantage of the "SIVAL" tool and create the event with exclusive services!
On your stand, or in a room, let us know the purpose, location, date and time of the event concerned.
SIVAL offers meeting rooms for :
- launch a new product and present it at a cocktail party or technical briefing,
- announce the creation of a subsidiary, a partnership or a merger,
- announce a new development axis for your company.

After SIVAL, discover Angers!
Why not come back for a weekend in the spring to enjoy the perfect balance between city and nature?
Discover the art of living in Angers, with its castles, vineyards, gastronomy, the Loire and nature in the heart of the city. Book your weekend now and take advantage of the essentials with the Angers City Pass, tailor-made tours and stays.